Whoever tread the path of Knowledge, Allah makes it easy the path to Paradise
~ Prophet Muhammad
Popular Courses
Some of our popular offerings
Ways The Qur’an was Preserved and Protected
The Qur’an is not only unique because it is the word of Allah but it is also unique in the way it is preserved and protected. Allah SWT…
Life of Khadijah RA
Khadijah RA was not only one of the mothers of the believers but she was also one of the best women who ever walked on planet earth. She…
The Treaty of Hudaybiyah
The treaty of Hudaibyah was not just a treaty or an incident which happened at the time of the prophet S, it was indeed a great lesson for…
Spirit of Ramadan
Spirit of Ramadan What you will gain from this Course: Discover the merits and rewards of Ramadan, Fasting, Itikaf, Tarawih. Learn the essentials of Fiqh of Fasting, Tarawih,…